aka Kos: Industrial Intricacies
aka Kos. Bookie boy. Brain and body music alchemist. Forging electronic alloys with clipped edges of scorched metal. Watch him conjure a trance, only to distort it at the right tim
Daddy Long Dick: Moving Like Water
Daddy Long Dick. Afia. Ms. Rhythm Shift. Moves like water through percussive mysticism from the world over. Leaving you dazed, confused and yearning for more.
GUI & Adhi: Bridging Ritual and Meditation Through Music
On their inaugural EP for Omen Wapta, GUI and Adhi take on a monastic task. Over the course of five accelerating tracks, they pull ritual practices out of the communal environment
Pillow Fight: The Artist’s Take
We listened, we talked, we struck and we danced. All in the name of science. The midway event for OOST's first research Cyclus featured a panel discussion, a pillow fight and club
Pillow Fight: How it Hit
As we're wrapping up, we're reflecting. The first OOST research cycle is coming to its conclusion, but not before we amplify three experiences had at the midway event; a panel disc
RDVSK: How to Get Lost With a Purpose
RDVSK. David. Mr. Hondsrug Tales. Bringing the freshest trance and tek influences with an organic flow. From the top of Scandinavia to the southernmost tip of Australia, right into
Cyclus: Research on Club Culture
In a volatile field like the club landscape, maintaining a conscious and critical posture is key in staying involved and relevant. That's why OOST has instituted Cyclus, a recurrin
Omen Wapta: Exploring The Un-Self
On March 9th Omen Wapta heads up North for a collaboration that’s been long in the making. Woody92’s multidisciplinary platform for warp-speed, shamanic techno and spiral-infus
Hybrid Festival 2024: Listening Guide
On Saturday 24 February 2024 we move into our second festival in collaboration with VERA: Hybrid. Taking place across both clubs on the Oosterstraat, as well as the monumental Aker
GUI: Slow Down, Accelerate
GUI. Aboy. Een jongen. Shrouding the dance floor in humming mysticism. Paving the long stretch of road ahead with warp-speed techno, IDM and greyscale bass. Watch him drive minimal